Cavin Cares

Chinnikrishnan Innovation Awards

Is innovation your business mantra?

CavinKare Pvt Ltd celebrates the spirit of
entrepreneurship with
Chinnikrishnan Innovation Awards

There is hardly anyone who has not heard of the late Shri R Chinnikrishnan, the brain behind the Sachet Revolution in India. Popularly known as Dreamer, Innovator, Ideator, and Entrepreneur, we believe no name can describe CavinKare Innovation Awards better than the Chinnikrishnan Innovation Awards. We celebrate the spirit of entrepreneurship with the Chinnikrishnan Innovation Awards.

His innovation is well expressed in his philosophy that states “whatever the rich man enjoys, the common man should be able to afford”.

And, today we can find his innovative idea in almost every Indian shop where you have the sachets that any common man can easily afford.

CavinKare in association with Madras Management Association (MMA) intends to felicitate innovative entrepreneurs who run small businesses with the Chinnikrishnan Innovation Awards for their determination and aspiration to realize their dreams.

Cavinkare MMA Chinnikrishnan Innovation Awards are awarded for Innovations. The awards focus on the overall value of the innovation in terms of its uniqueness, its benefits to people, and its ability to be scalable.

The awardees will be honored with a cash prize of Rs.1 Lakh with a Trophy and will support their business through mentorship in all their business development activities covering varied specializations if required.



Innovaion Awards Innovaion Awards
Previous winners
  • Mr. Bonny Dave and Ms. Akshita Sachdeva

    Innovations Category
  • Mr. Arvind Bhardwaj and Mr. Anupam Kumar

    Innovations Category
  • Mr. Sandal Kotawala

    Innovations Category

IIT Research Park Auditorium,
'D' Block, 7TH Floor,
Taramani, Chennai - 113

  • Mr. P. Elango,

    Managing Director, Hindustan Oil Exploration Pvt. Ltd,

  • Mr. Natesh Balakrishna,

    Managing Director, South Asia, AS APAC, Dormakaba India Pvt. Ltd,

  • Mr. Lakshminarayanan Duraiswamy,

    Managing Director, Sundaram Home Finance Ltd,

  • Ms. Mridula Ramesh,

    CEO, Sundaram Climate Institute & Executive Director, Sundaram Textiles,

Chief Guest

Mr. Suresh Narayanan, Chairman and Managing Director of Nestle India Limited